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Identifying Roast Defects

Producing the ideal taste profile is a result of some practices followed by the amalgamation of the right flavors. However, due to the fickleness of the coffee beans, not every batch you roast will come out to be consistent. In some cases, flavors, such as bitterness, may overpower the intrinsic flavour notes of your beans. If you've ever wondered why your coffee may taste off-putting, it could be because of a roast defect. Let's break down the most common issues that roasters can experience. 

In this class we will discuss the following roast defects:





Lack of Airflow

We will go over how they are caused, what they taste like (you will get to cup these defects), and how to fix them. By the end of this class participants should know how to address the most common roast defects and therefore improve the quality of their roasting.

July 13

Water for Coffee Workshop